Worship and Music

Praise Team
We have a few praise teams, so each Sunday is a little bit different. Typically there is a keyboard player, at least one guitar player, one bass player, and two vocalists. We are in need of drummers, but would love to try to include anyone that is interested!

Seasonal Adult Choir
The Worship and Music team is responsible for assisting with occasional adult choirs for holiday services like Christmas and Easter.

Children’s Musicals
The Worship and Music team is responsible for supporting our yearly Children’s Musical(s)

Computer Operators
Computer operators are needed to live-stream our services to YouTube, and display song lyrics and sermon slides during each service on projection screens.

Sound Technicians
Sound technicians are needed to ensure that the praise team and anyone speaking can be heard both in person and on the live stream.

Special Services
We sometimes hold special services or have guest speakers. The Worship and Music team makes sure everything is set up and working for those to be successful and meaningful events.