We are thrilled you are interested in Buffalo Valley Church of the Brethren (BVCOB). BVCOB is a growing congregation with people of all ages, backgrounds and situations of life. Our purpose is to passionately pursue and demonstrate the transforming life of Jesus Christ! BVCOB is a community where God can take you from where you are to where He wants you to be. We invite you to be our guest and see what God is doing among us…and what He might do through you.
Our Sunday Morning atmosphere is relaxed, with families of all ages participating in the worship and Sunday school experience. Check out our FAQ page for answers to some questions you might have. We hope to see you soon!
What We Believe
- There is one God (Ex. 20:3,4), all knowing, all powerful, everywhere present, who in holy love created, sustains, and orders all, who is a personal Father God taking delight in us (Ps 149:4) when we offer to Him the glory due His name. (1 Chron. 16:29)
- The Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts and minds of believers (Rom. 8:9), giving guidance and comfort (John 16:13), creating and sustaining the church through the gospel, empowering us for service (Acts 1:8) and uniting us with our Lord and with one another. (1 John 4:13)
- The New Testament is our rule of faith and practice.
- All members of the body of believers are responsible for the total ministry of the church.
- Sunday School classes for grade school, and multiple classes to choose from per quarter for adults
- A Welcome Center for newcomers
- Contemporary worship music (but we still sing hymns sometimes!)
- Nursery care
- Small Groups
- Men’s and Women’s Ministry
- Youth Group
- Many ministry teams to serve on
Check out the rest of our site to learn more!
What We Offer
What We Value
- Each Other
- Family (not just biological)
- Community
- Serving and giving locally and overseas
- Finding and utilizing spiritual gifts
- Generosity
- Acceptance without conditions

Come visit us!
46 Brethren Church Road, Mifflinburg, PA 17844