The Right Way to Be Rich Part 2 “Looking To Give”
Sermon Notes For Today’s Message
The Right Way to Be Rich – Part 2
“Looking to Give”
The right way to be rich involves looking to ___________, looking to ____________ and looking to _____________.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
Criteria % of income earned
If you earn $25,000/year top __________%
If you earn $50,000/year top __________%
I share this not to make you feel _____________but to help you feel __________________.
This text, like most texts of the New Testament is a ______________ text.
Looking to God involves staying ______________ and __________________.
1 Timothy 6:18
Big Idea: Since I’m rich because of God’s grace, I will look to give by doing good ____________, being generous with my ____________ and _____________ God’s blessings with others.
1. Because I’m rich, I will give __________ _____________.
Often as followers of Jesus we are known more for what we _________
do than what we ________ do.
We are commanded to start doing _____________, not just to stop doing ____________.
Liberalitas: You give to please the ___________________, so the receiver can _________________ the favor.
Jesus Christ taught a radically ________________ way.
Luke 6:30-36
Caritas: Giving to _______________ distress without expecting anything in ______________.
The early church’s ___________________ had a greater impact on the culture than her ___________________.
Christian __________________ is the foundation for Christian _____________________.
2. Because I’m rich I will give my ____________________.
Buffalo Valley is not ____________________ for you to give your money…but you should
________________ to give your money.
How much ________________ do you want from God?
Luke 6:38
Be a ________________ giver, not an ________________ giver.
3. Because I’m rich I’m willing to ______________ my blessings.
The follower of Jesus is rich in ______________, _________, and __________________.
Do you live a “gated” _____________________?
Big Idea: Since I’m rich because of God’s grace, I will look to give by doing good ____________, being generous with my ____________ and _____________ God’s blessings with others