Receiving and Regifting God’s Way Part1 “Receiving and Regifting Hope”
Scripture Used in Todays Message;
John17:22, Luke 1:31-32, Matthew 1:21, Luke2:30-32, 1peter 1:3-9, 3:15
Todays Sermon Notes
Receiving and Regifting…God’s Way – Part 1
Receiving and Regifting Hope
___________________ is the practice of giving again a gift that has been given to you.
God is a big ____________ of re-gifting. John 17:22
Everything that we have has been _____________ to us by God and is intended to be ______________ to others in some form.
The word ______________ is not found in the biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus but _____________ is all over the birth of Jesus. Luke 1:31-32, Matthew 1:21, Luke 2:30-32
Two good definitions of “hope” in relation to the follower of Jesus:
To desire with ___________________ of obtainment
To _______________ with _______________________
Unfortunatlely, many confuse the word hope with the word _________________.
Godly hope focuses on ___________________ not __________________.
1 Peter 1:3-9
Big Idea: Because of the baby in the manger I have a hope for tomorrow’s ________________ and today’s _________________…that I can share with others.
We need a hope that ____________________ our eternal future.
The believer’s hope is _____________ not _________________.
With God, genuine hope involves _________________ how the game of life ______________.
1 Peter 1:6-9
God’s hope sustained Mary and Joseph during their ___________.
We have an ___________________ over Mary and Joseph. Hebrews 6:19a
How do we “re-gift” hope?
We can’t really _____________ hope but we can point others to the One who is the _______________ of hope. 1 Peter 3:15
We do that by _________________ in such a way that others want what we have.