Giving To Gain
Todays Scripture
Mark 10:23-31
Sermon Notes Giving to Gain
God’s desires for us are not dependent on the ______________ ___________ but rather ___________ _______________.
Mark 10:23-31
The truth of this text is when we ____________ we _____________.
Peter, like most of us, wants to know “_______________________________________________?”
Big Idea: When I give to Jesus I gain a lot of ___________________, _____________________ and ______________________.
1. When I give I gain ________________________.
Is Jesus teaching __________________ _________________?
In Jesus’ day, many people had to leave their ______________ and ______________ to follow Jesus.
They “gained” the houses and lands of ______________ believers who provided for them.
2. When I give I gain ________________________.
Can you give up a father and mother and still “gain”? _________!
If you have to __________ _________ from important relationships, God will bring others to ___________ __________ you as you follow Him.
3. When I give I gain ___________________________. (vs 30)
A __________________ __________ form of Christianity does not exist.
To most people the words “_______________” and “_____________” don’t go together.
1 Peter 3:12-15
By the way, those who follow Jesus also gain ___________________________.
Do you see how the words “____________” and “_____________” go together?
When we give, Jesus ________________ to bring “gain” into our lives… you believe Him?
Are you willing to give up things that are of value to ________ to gain things that are of value to __________?
Big Idea: When I give to Jesus I gain a lot of ___________________, _____________________ and ______________________.