A Week That Changed The Woeld Part 2 “Secure to Serve”
This Weeks Sermon Notes
A Week That Changed the World – Part 2
Secure to Serve
How has the last week of Jesus’ earthly life _________________ your world?
John 13:1-17 Big Idea: A secure _________________, _________________ and ____________________ enables us to serve God and one another.
1. Jesus was secure in His _________________. John 13:1
Mark 10:42-45
The essence of being a follower of Jesus is _________________ service.
We serve not from our own ________________ but from Christ’s ________________ in us.
2. Jesus was secure in His _______________________. John 13:3-4
Much of today’s focus on self-esteem leads to a _______________ to be served by others rather than a _______________ to serve others.
When God’s word talks about us apart from Christ it uses very _______________________ language.
I can’t feel good about me but I can feel good about ___________.
Most of us are more comfortable in ______________ than in _______________ __________________.
I have to be secure in my person to ______________ someone else to serve me.
Many people say they are __________ even when they’ve just been “_________”ed.
3. Jesus was secure in His ____________________.
John 13:13-14
Jesus was not _______________ about His position.
He was _________________ in His position.
Genuine service actually __________________ our position in the eyes of those we serve.
Question #1: Am I secure in my __________________?
Question #2: Am I secure in my __________________?
The answer to low self-esteem is not to think more highly of ______________
but to think highly of __________.
Question #3: Am I secure in my __________________?
My __________________ as servant is connected to my _________________ of service.