Words to Be Amazed By…

Every once in a while there are passages of the Bible that just jump off the page to me.  This happened to me today with the following passage from Romans 8:  38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This is an amazing expression of the incredible love that God has for us.  We cannot be separated from God’s by death, if we know Jesus as Savior.  Rather, we get to experience God’s love in a more perfect way than we can experience it here on earth.  No angels or demons can separate us from God’s love….God controls and is sovereign over all of them.  Nothing in the present or the future can separate us from God’s love.  God is not bound by time.  Nothing high or low can separate us from God’s love.  God is omnipresent, anywhere we are.  Nothing can separate us from God’s love.

This truth from God’s word helps us remain strong during the times when it SEEMS like God doesn’t love us.  There are times when we go through the valleys of life where we can begin to question God and His love for us with thoughts or words like “If God really loved me, why would He put me through this?”  Yet, often it is because of His love for us that we endure difficult times.  Please always remember that whatever your circumstance or situation, God loves you.  Whatever is happening in your life is an expression of God’s love for you at that time.  Rest in that.  Trust in that.  You are loved.

Have a day filled with the knowledge of God’s love!


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