Why Barabbas?

In Mark 15 we see Jesus before Pontius Pilate and then nailed to a cross. When Jesus was being interviewed by Pilate, Pilate found Jesus guilty of nothing and wanted to release Him; however, the crowd wanted a criminal named Barabbas released to them. Now we know that Barabbas was a man who had committed murder in a rebellion against the Roman authorities. Barabbas was not a nice man; certainly not someone who should have been released. But the custom was to release a prisoner and it appears that Barabbas and Jesus were the only two options. The crowd cries for Barabbas to be released and Pilate does so, and sends Jesus to be crucified.

Why did the crowd want Barabbas? The crowd wanted Barabbas because they DIDN’T want Jesus. That is the only reason they wanted Barabbas. There was no comparison between the two. I believe there is a lesson for us in this choice. Whatever or whoever you choose other than Jesus in your life is like choosing Barabbas. There is no one or no thing worthy of being chosen over Jesus. In fact, in comparison to Jesus, whatever you pick is as vile and horrible as Barabbas. Perhaps it doesn’t appear this way in your eyes or my eyes, but it is that way in the sight of God. Jesus is so far above anything or anyone else you could choose. Please don’t put yourself in a position where you are choosing someone or something over Jesus.


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