We Need a Mediator, Whether We Know it or Not

What does a mediator do?  A mediator helps settle disputes between two people or two groups of people.  Mediators are used in contract disputes and marital disputes.  One thing that is true about mediators…if you don’t have a conflict or dispute, you don’t need one.  Look at what Paul writes to Timothy in chapter 2 of 1 Timothy:  For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,  Jesus is a Mediator between God and men.  But I don’t think that a lot of people see themselves as needing a mediator between themselves and God.  They see God as their friend or at least as a God who is not really interested in their life.  But the Bible presents a very different truth.  The Bible clearly teaches us that because of our sin we are in conflict with God.  We cannot have a relationship with Him and even more, we are under His wrath because of our sin.  We are in conflict with God, whether we know it or not.

Jesus gave His life as a ransom for all, as a payment for the sin of each of us.  However, the Bible is also clear that we must engage Jesus Christ, through faith, to serve as our Mediator.  When we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, or Mediator if you will, He settles the dispute between us and God.  He “mediates” the conflict through His death and resurrection.  He settles the dispute.  God becomes our Father and we become His children.  By the way, there is not one verse in the Bible that calls everyone “God’s children”, only those who have been adopted into His family through Jesus are referred to as God’s children.  Everyone else is just God’s creation, in conflict with Him because of sin.

By the way, on judgment day no one will be able to stand before God and say, “I didn’t know I needed a Mediator!”  Deep down, often buried by sin, is the truth that we are separated from God.  And according to the word of God, Jesus is the only Mediator available.  Call on Him.  Trust in Him.  Be reconciled to God through Him.


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