Walk in Wisdom

Right after Paul has requested that the Colossians pray for his ability to share the gospel, Paul’s focus continues to be on those who are “outside”; those who are not in Christ.  Here is what he writes in the next two verses:  Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”  I find it so interesting that Paul was so interested in those who did not know Christ.  I think that Paul was interested also in those who did know Christ, but he never lost sight of those who he could influence for Jesus.  (Aside:  there are some in the church today who teach that everyone is “in Christ”; that all are part of the family of God…if this is true then why are there continual references in the New Testament to those who are “outside”?)  Paul encourages the Colossians to live in such a way that they are “redeeming the time”.  I believe this means to use the time in a valuable way.   Note then that Paul specifically references the speech of the believer.  I suppose this is because most people interact with us through our speech; and today, through our posts and texts.  Note the two things Paul mentions for our speech; “with grace” and “seasoned with salt.” Are your words gracious?  I confess this is not always the case for me but I hope I have grown in this area.  Are your words “salty”?  This could mean that our words are meant to have value and/or it could mean that our words are “tasty” to those who hear them.  Either way or both way work for me.  I hope you will consider how your words impact those around you.  I hope you will consider how your posts impact those around you; especially those who are unbelievers.  Please take Paul’s advice here


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