True or False?

A favorite type of question for teachers is the True/False question.  A statement is given and you have to decide if the question is True or False.  For the student, the good part about a question like this is that even if you have no idea, you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right.  But sometimes these type of questions are difficult because the test taker tends to “read into” the question a meaning or an idea that the teacher didn’t have.  Also, words like “always” or “never” can be clues to the answer or can bring confusion to trying to determine the answer.

In Matthew 7, near the end of the sermon on the mount, Jesus says the following:  15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.  A false prophet is one who doesn’t tell or live the truth.  But a false prophet is not someone who really tells you what he/she stands for.  Rather, a false prophet is pretending to be someone who is leading people down the right path but is really leading people down the wrong path.  They come pretending to be shepherds but in reality they are wolves.  Shepherds take care of and provide for the sheep but wolves have sheep for dinner…and I don’t mean as guests!

It is up to each of us to discern if someone is a false prophet.  It’s not that difficult if you use the word of God.  Is what the “prophet” or teacher teaching consistent with God’s word?  If so, you can answer “true”.  If not, you can surely answer “false”.  By the way, it is YOUR responsibility to know the difference.  It is YOUR responsibility to know the truth of the God’s word so you can compare it with what the teacher is saying.  We’ll talk more about false prophets tomorrow.


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