The Tower of Human Power

I skipped Genesis 10 since it is a short chapter of genealogies. In Genesis 11 we have an interesting event recorded for us. You have to go back to Genesis 9:1 to understand the context. After the flood God told Noah and his sons to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” But here in Genesis 11 we read that the people decide to make a large city and tower so that they are not scattered abroad over the face of the earth. They were building this tower in direct opposition to what God desired them to do. I don’t think that God had a problem with the architectural plans of the tower but He definitely had a problem with the plans of the hearts of men. So God confused the languages of the people. By doing this, the people were then scattered abroad over the face of the earth.

Mankind has always attempted to play God, a game for which we are grossly unqualified. This tower of human power was not something that God desired. God desires that we trust Him for our power and enablement. I hope you will do this.


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