The Importance of the Word of Christ

Allow these words of Paul to sift through your mind as you ask yourself how real these words are to your every day life:  “16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”  What is the “word of Christ”?  When I read this today I often think of the Bible, the written word of Christ.  But I don’t think that the Colossians would have thought of it that way, as I doubt they had any written word.  But they did have a verbal witness of the life and teaching of Jesus.  Paul is exhorting them to allow this teaching to “dwell in you richly”.  To dwell means to inhabit, to live and the word “richly” means abundantly.  Is that how the word of Christ functions in your life?   Be honest.  If not, why not?  I believe that we should know the words and example of Christ in such a way that they inform and influence how we live…they “dwell with us richly”.  If a person dwells in your richly they influence your life. If you’ve ever had a thought that kept you awake at night or consumed your thoughts during days or weeks, you know what this looks like.  The word of Christ is not intended to be an add on to our lives but it is intended to richly influence our lives.  Paul goes on to say that this word of Christ will be useful for teaching and admonishing one another and lead to singing or an expression of praise.   The investment of time you make in the word of Christ is well worth it.  The word of Christ is an excellent “roommate”.  Invite the word into the inner rooms of your life.


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