Something for Angels to Sing About

After going Christmas caroling this afternoon I’ve decided to take a break from commenting on a psalm a day and instead I’d like us to take a look at some Christmas hymns. There is really a lot of good theology in Christmas hymns and I thought for the next two weeks I would comment on a line or two or the overall idea for each of the hymns. Today’s hymn is “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”. The lyrics for the song can be found at this link: Hark the Herald Angels Sing. This hymn begins with the great truth that Jesus came to reconcile God and sinners. Jesus didn’t come only to show us how to live…that is a minor part. Mostly Jesus came that we might be reconciled to God. But my favorite phrase in this hymn, and perhaps my favorite phrase in all the Christmas hymns is this: “Mild He lays His glory by, born that man no more may die…Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth”. Wow! Those are some theologically packed lines for us to sing. This baby was born that man no more may die. The writer is obviously referencing spiritual death. This baby offers us spiritual life and an escape from spiritual death. He offers us the chance for a second birth, to be born again into the kingdom of God. Let those words wash over you for a few minutes. Perhaps they will lead you to a few minutes of genuine Christmas “cheer”! This baby is the only way you and I can be reconciled to God, being born again into His family. That’s something worth singing about…even for the angels.


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