Wisdom Treats Others Well

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,
When it is in the power of your hand to do so.  28 Do not say to your neighbor,
“Go, and come back,
And tomorrow I will give it,”
When you have it with you.  29 Do not devise evil against your neighbor,
For he dwells by you for safety’s sake. 30 Do not strive with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm. One of the characteristics of those who are wise is how he/she treats others.  As you might expect, wisdom has a large impact on our relationships.  I think that verse 27 […]

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Sleeping Well With Wisdom

In my Bible, chapter 3 of Proverbs is titled, “Guidance for the Young”.  The titles that we find in our Bibles are not part of God’s original word.  They are not inspired but they are often correctly applied.  What we’ve been seeing in chapter 3 are things that the young should take to heart…and even some of us “old” could benefit as well.  Let’s read verses 21-26: My son, let them not depart from your eyes—
Keep sound wisdom and discretion;  22 So they will be life to your soul
And grace to your neck.  23 Then you will walk safely in your […]

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Wisdom…Life With Benefits!

As people are considering which job to take, one of the more important questions is “does it come with benefits?”  We all want the benefits of insurance or retirement or something else.  In this next section of chapter 3 we read of some of the many benefits to wisdom.  If we plan our lives around the “to do” list we just read, we will reap these benefits.  Let’s read verses 13-20: Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding;  14  For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver,
And her gain than fine gold.  15 She […]

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A Life Long “To Do” List – Part 2

Yesterday we looked at the first part of a “to do” list from Proverbs chapter 3.  These are principles that are true.  Today we look at the last four found in chapter 3.  I will comment after each of the sections: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.  A great life-lesson is to not trust your own instincts or understanding but rather trust the Lord.  If you’ve ever been lost while hiking it is a pretty sick feeling to have…I know, I’ve done […]

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A Life-Long “To Do” List…part 1

Most of us have “to do” lists…whether we write them on paper or have them on a computer or a smart phone…most of us have these lists.  It is always a good idea to do what is on the “to do” list.  Proverbs 3 begins with a very interesting “to do” list that is, to me,  a “life-long” to do list.  If we do what the writer suggests we do, we will live a very fruitful life.  We’ll look at two parts of the list today and three parts tomorrow.  Let’s read the list and I’ll comment after each section: […]

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Let’s get fruity with it.

Picture a young man growing up in the world surrounded by family and friends who walk and talk football all day long. Imagine this young man who has all the knowledge for passing the ball, running the ball, making tackles, and training hard. Now consider that this young man has never stepped foot on a practice field, let alone participate in any football game. When you talk to him, you would imagine he was just as good on the field as off in conversation. We read in John 15: 1-6 the ingredients for being fruity. Just like the young man […]

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What Does Evil Look Like?

As I mentioned when we began our look at the book of Proverbs, there are many contrasts found in these verses.  Over and over again something or someone godly is contrasted with something or someone that is ungodly.  Chapter 2 continues this arrangement.  The remaining verses of chapter 2 describe what evil looks like and then closes with a contrast between wisdom and evil.  Let’s read the rest of the chapter today: From the man who speaks perverse things,  13 From those who leave the paths of uprightness
To walk in the ways of darkness; 14 Who rejoice in doing evil,
And delight in […]

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What Will Keep You From Evil?

One of the laws of thermodynamics says that systems seek the maximum possible level of disorder or chaos.  This explains why your bedroom gets messy unless you clean it.  It explains why when you drop a bunch of pasta on your kitchen floor, the noodles don’t stay in a neat little pile.  It takes “energy” to make order out of a system.  There is a similar principle as it relates to evil.  Evil is the natural default of the human heart.  Left to its own, each human heart tends toward wickedness and evil.  You might not like that.  I might […]

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What Line Do You Form?

As I was gathered at the Myer Christmas dinner, a favorite relative of my wife was about to share the day’s devotion. He loaded a video called “Where’s the line to see Jesus?” http://wheresthelinetoseejesus.com/ I had heard the song many times before but this very day it took on a whole new meaning. A portion of the lyrics follow and as you read them, I wonder what line we are forming for others to follow. Where’s the line to see Jesus? Is He here at the store? If Christmas time is His birthday Why don’t we see Him more? Where’s […]

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Wisdom’s Work on Our Behalf

Yesterday I commented on our effort in “mining” wisdom.  In these three verses we see several things that God does on our behalf through wisdom.  Let’s read Proverbs 2:7-9:  He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk uprightly; 8 He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.  9  Then you will understand righteousness and justice,
Equity and every good path. We see God doing several things here.  First, God stores up sound wisdom for the upright.  God never runs out of wisdom to give us.  This reminds me of the New […]

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