Long Life…Very Long Life

In Genesis 5 we have a list of the genealogy of Adam all the way to Noah. The really interesting thing to me is the longevity of the people listed. The men who are listed here are said to have lived 930 years, 912 years, 905 years, and the oldest, Methuselah at 969 years. How can this be? If you want a lot of information about this you can read an article here from Answers in Genesis: Aging   There are no definitive answers but this article postulates several ideas about how the human body genetically mutated over the years and how the earth’s climate drastically changed after the flood. There are records from the Sumerian king list which mention a flood and give the length of the reigns of kings before the flood and after and the reigns are much longer before the flood. Also, the bible itself records that the life spans drastically reduce after the flood so that by the time of Moses he records that the life span of man is seventy to eighty years (Psalm 90:10)

It seems plausible to me that the ages listed in Genesis were possible at a time and a place that we are very unfamiliar with. Without proof to the contrary, I’m willing to accept the record preserved in the Bible.   Like some other parts of Genesis, if you don’t accept it as written, how do you know which parts to accept and which parts to reject?


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