Is Peace King?

One of the most incredible benefits of being a Christian is the gift of peace.  The believer has the God-given ability and power to have peace in every situation of life; regardless of the circumstances. Here in Colossians 3:15 we read this: “15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”  The word for peace here is the Greek word “eirene” which carries the idea of “wholeness”.  Paul exhorts the Colossians, and you and me, to be ruled or to be governed by the peace of God.  We are encouraged to let that peace control our hearts and minds.  Paul also brings up the idea of the body of Christ. Why?  I think an important part of seeing that peace manifested in our lives is through the body of Christ.  God longs for His people to be at peace with Him and with one another.  The godly counsel and comfort of others can often help us realize the peace that we have.  This can also produce thankfulness in our lives.  For me, the sovereignty of God in this world helps me realize the peace that I have.  The same God who created this world and sustains it, gives me peace.  No one can take that away from me.  As I live in harmony with Christ, the only times I feel a lack of peace are times when I choose to move away from Him.  He holds my future AND He loves me.   He can’t do or allow things in my life that are not ultimately meant for my good.  That brings peace.  I confess that there are times when I live outside of that truth.  But God gently draws me back and reminds me of His sovereign care. Ultimately, no matter what happens on earth, I have the assurance of eternal life.  I believe this is a powerful contributor to peace for the believer. I hope that you have peace that rules in your life.  If not, and if you think I could help, please let me know.


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