How Much Do You “Need” Jesus?

The familiar hymn, I Need Thee Every Hour has me thinking. Each line of the hymn begins with the phrase, “I need Thee every hour…”. The chorus is very simply: “I need Thee, O I need thee. Every hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee”. I am pretty convicted about the words to this song. Do I really need Jesus “every hour”? What does that mean? I have more than enough money to pay the bills. I am in good health. I have good friends. I suspect most of you reading this post could say the same for yourself. But what does it look like to really “need” Jesus…and every hour at that? I think that often we evaluate our “need” based on things or circumstances such as money, health, relationships, etc…but is that a fair way to evaluate how much we need Jesus? What would those “things” look like if Jesus was no longer in our life or if He pulled away for a period of time? Where I sit now I realize that I do “need” Jesus every hour. He helps me with temptation. He guides me into all truth. I don’t want to find out what life without Him would be like. How about you? Do you see your need for Jesus; even in those moments where you are not desperate for support? Can you see how your need for Him transcends things and goes to the deepest needs of your soul? The reason I think I can say, “It is well with my soul” is because I recognize my need for Jesus regardless of the circumstances of my life. I hope you can say the same.


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