How Did He Do That?

I think most of us have had the experience of watching a magician do a trick literally before our eyes and saying out loud or in our heads, “How did he do that?”  We don’t understand how the trick was performed…it seems impossible.  Those are the words that come to my mind as I read Philippians 3:21:  “who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.” This verse is describing God’s activity with the human body to prepare it for a heavenly existence.  We aren’t given any physiological details as to how God takes a dead, and in most cases decomposed body, and fits it for heaven. We wouldn’t understand it anyway. We just know that God is able to do it. After all, if He is able to “subdue all things to Himself” I suppose He can rearrange or subdue the laws of physics.  God isn’t bound by the physical laws that govern our lives.  As Paul ends this great section of his letter, we are reminded of God’s incredible power.  God can and will do what He desires.  And He desires to use us for His glory.  The end result of that for the believer in Jesus will be eternity in heaven.  Then we’ll have all eternity to ponder in a magnificent way, “How did He do that?” and to give Him glory for “doing that”!


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