Good Christian Men Rejoice

Yesterday we talked about merry gentlemen resting and today we will focus on Good Christian Men Rejoice (ing). This is another one that wasn’t too familiar to me growing up but the melody is very catchy. Men and women who are followers of Jesus have much reason to rejoice because of the baby in a manger. The first stanza announces Jesus’ birth. The second stanza says that Jesus has opened heaven’s door and that man is blessed forevermore. The final stanza says that men can rejoice with heart and soul and voice because now men need not fear the grave, Jesus Christ was born to save. The stanza also states that Jesus is calling one and all to gain His everlasting hall. There are many people in our world who fear the grave; who fear death. And that fear is well grounded. Without Jesus, death is the end to this life and a beginning of eternal condemnation and separation from God. That is a lot to fear. But with Jesus as Savior there is no fear in death because it is the beginning of unspeakable joy and the beginning of enjoying the divine inheritance promised to the children of God. That’s something worth rejoicing about!


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