God’s Word…the Scalpel

I’m catching up on Saturday and Sunday with three blog posts today from the book of Hebrews.  The first is Hebrews chapter 4 verses 12-13   12 For the word of God isliving and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.  

What a great commentary on the power of the word of God.  God’s word is both living and powerful.  The Spirit of God takes the written word of God and uses it in unique and varying ways, tailored to the life of an individual.  The word is sharp, and piercing and can “open us up” for spiritual surgery.  The Bible, in the hands of God, is like a surgeon’s scalpel.  Thankfully, I’ve never had to undergo an operation.  But if and when I do, I want the surgeon to use a sharp scalpel and not a butter knife.  This passage reminds us that the word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart…the deep down sin that is often not visible on the outside but is so damaging.  Things like lust and pride and fear and anger and resentment….sins that can fester and lead to very destructive attitudes and actions.  But the word of God, like a scalpel, can expose that kind of sin…allowing the Spirit of God to bring healing and relief.  Yes, it may be painful at first, but it is healthy in the long run.

So, when is the last time you crawled up on the operating table for some “spiritual surgery”?  God will never use His word to harm you, only to heal you.  Please trust Him and His word to do the job that needs to be done.  You won’t be disappointed…and, God will do the surgery without the need of an insurance card!


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