Get to Work

Today’s verse is Ephesians 2:10 which ends the first section of this letter and allows us to see how our journey continues in our daily life.  Here is the text:  10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.   The Christian experience certainly doesn’t end with salvation. Salvation takes us from death to life but that life is not only eternal life.  Rather, salvation equips us to really live here on earth.  Each person who has been saved by grace is described as “His workmanship”.  Another way to translate this word is “masterpiece”.  God has uniquely created you and gifted you for good works and now asks you to get to work. God has prepared good works that we should now do.  It is exciting to think about the fact that God has prepared things for us to do and is engaged with us at the day to day level.  God doesn’t save us and then put us on a shelf.  There is no better “employer” than God.  The work He has for us is good for us, for others and for His glory.  I hope you can appreciate God’s activity in your life and are willing to follow the work that He has for you.


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