For Those Who Love God

Still another day on Romans 8:28.   Tomorrow will be the last day but today we will focus on the phrase, “to those who love God”.  Here is the entire verse:  “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” The amazing promise of Romans 8:28 is not a promise for all people.  The promise that all things will work together for good are for those who love God.  This is a promise for those who belong to His family.  In His grace God may choose to shine His favor on those who do not love Him, after all the rain falls on the just and the unjust; but God doesn’t PROMISE good to those who do not belong to Him.  This promise is given to those who have been adopted into the family of God, given the Holy Spirit as a promise of that adoption, changed by the very power of God through salvation.  If you desire an amazing promise like Romans 8:28 to be true for you, you must receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.  You then allow the Spirit of God to give you love for God and you put yourself under the protective umbrella of God’s care.  This is not an umbrella that prevents suffering or pain.  Rather it is an umbrella that promises that all things work together for good…and why wouldn’t you want that promise…for here and for eternity?  If you would like to talk about receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord please message me.


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