Ever Wonder Why Jesus Puts Up With Us?

I’m very thankful for the mercy and grace of God. If I had to earn my way into God’s family or favor, I would be in big trouble, and I suppose you would be as well. In Mark 8 we see Jesus again being surrounded by a hungry multitude of people. Not that long ago this same thing happened and Jesus fed five thousand men (and who knows how many women and children) with five loaves of bread and two small fish. So, there is a similar situation in Mark 8 and Jesus says, “I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now continued with Me three days and have nothing to eat. And if I send them away hungry to their own houses, they will faint on the way; for some of them have come from afar.” So, if you were writing the Bible and could write the next line what would it be?  What would the disciples’ response be?  I would suggest something like: “Well, Jesus, a little while ago you fed thousands of people with just a little food…want us to see what we can find so you can do that again…only this time maybe some wheat and some garlic bread for variety?” That is what I would have written. But what do the disciples say? They say, “How can one satisfy these people with bread here in the wilderness?” Really?   That is their answer?

Did they forget what happened just a little while ago? I’m not sure if they forgot or what but they don’t seem to bring that up. It appears that they have forgotten, or they don’t think Jesus can do that again. I’m afraid that there is a lot of these disciples in me. I tend to forget what God has just done for me as I look for Him to do something more. I miss the pattern. I miss the opportunity. How great would it have been for one of the disciples to say, “You’re right, there sure are a lot of hungry people here but You can fix that…fish and chips here we come!” That might have brought a smile to the face of Jesus. But He again has to deal with their unbelief. So Jesus does the miracle again and in verse 21 says, “How is it you do not understand?” I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know all the times that Jesus, if He could stand in front of me would have said, “And how is it you do not understand?” Why does Jesus put up with us? He puts up with us because He loves us. He puts up with us because we are His family. He puts up with us because He knows how desperately we need Him and how needy we can be. I’m very glad for the grace and mercy of Jesus…how about you?


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