Do You Have the “Mind of Christ”?

I just have one sentence this morning.  Here is verse 5 of Philippians 2:  “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”.  The word “mind” means “to have understanding, to think”.  Paul is clearly stating that we can think like Jesus.  In fact, the verb is a command.  We are commanded to think like Jesus, to have understanding like Jesus.  Tomorrow we will look at what kind of mind we are to have but this morning I’d just like you to think about the fact that we CAN have a mind like Jesus.  This is available to those who have received Jesus Christ as Savior because of the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  This is a very big deal.  The way we think controls almost everything that we do.  The way we think is the key to practicing righteousness and avoiding temptation.  The way we think is the key to success in all aspects of life.  And you and I, in Christ, can think like Him.  Will we always get it right like Jesus always got it right? No.  However, this is our aim and our goal.  Let’s not settle for “stinkin thinkin”.  Let’s utilize the power of the Holy Spirit in us to think like Jesus. Consider for a moment if you are thinking about situations or people in a way that Christ thinks about them.  If not, repent.  Ask the Holy Spirit to change your mind about him or her or the situation. He will do it.  When your thinking is in line with Jesus, be ready for everything else to begin to fall in line.


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