A New…

What is it about the word “new” that is so interesting and enticing for most of us?  Many people are fascinated about the idea of something new, especially brand new.  But it remains “new” for only a few minutes…at that point it becomes used.  The new car smell lasts a little longer.  Janet and I had the opportunity to live in a new house and that was interesting but it didn’t take that long for the dog to chew the bathroom molding and then the word “new” no longer applied.

As we enter the new year, there is great excitement and anticipation…but for what?  Really, what will change in your life on January 2nd that is not already a part of your life in January 1st?  Human nature craves the “new” but it is only God who truly delivers us into something new.  The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation, old things pass away; behold all things become new.  And this “new” is not linked to a date on the calendar but is linked to a Savior who died on a cross but three days later came back to life…a real “new” thing that had never been done before.

I would encourage you to think about looking to God to make things new.  For a few days this week we will look at some of the “new” passages in the Bible and talk about them as we begin our “new” calendar year.


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