Worship and Music
The purpose of the Worship Music Ministry Team is to help create an atmosphere where God is glorified, exalted, praised and worshiped while the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared and the Holy Spirit is welcomed to minister and move in people’s hearts through music, prayer, offerings and the message/scripture.
The team desires to connect people to the body of Christ by providing opportunities where believers can be encouraged in the use of their talents and gifts of worship. Examples include:
- Sunday Morning Praise Team
- Seasonal Adult Choir
- Children’s Musicals
The team is responsible for scheduling and organizing special services, activities and speakers throughout the year. We also oversee areas such as the computer ministry, sound ministry, copyright licensing, personal testimonies and the sharing of a moment in missions.
Vocalists, instrumentalists, computer operators and sound technicians are needed for the Sunday morning worship ministry. There are other opportunities to serve as well.
Please use our contact page to send any questions or concerns for the Worship & Music Ministry Team.