The Adult Ministry Team provides opportunities for spiritual growth, Christ centered fellowship and Bible based education through a variety of ministry programs for adults of all ages.
Special Events
We hold church wide events that nurture and encourage our church families to be in fellowship with one another, providing opportunities to support, strengthen, and build relationships with one another and God. Sample events include: Church Retreats, Church Picnics and our annual Strawberry Festival.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is dedicated to helping men to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ through compassion, discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, ministry, and worship.
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry is excited to bring women, with all their diverse interests, together to minister and reach out to other women in our congregation and the community. We provide fellowship, develop personal relationships and strive to grow as strong Christian women.
Golden Oldies
The vision of the Golden Oldies, age 50+, is to reach out to others in our church and community. It is our calling to extend care and compassion to the almost forgotten through Christian activities and fellowship in harmony with God.
Please use our contact page to send any questions or concerns.